
Why most of the viruses spread by Bats? || चमगादड़ से ही क्यों फैलती है सारी बीमारियाँ और वायरस ?

You are knowing how corona virus transmitted- from bats probably. But do you know Why bats are huge reservoirs of viruses? Bat carry more than 130 viruses and have transmitted about 12 lethal viruses in humans. What Makes Bats The Perfect Hosts For So Many Viruses? This video will explain Why do bats carry more viruses than other animals that is why bat is dangerous. The bats carry so many diseases but Do bats have a viral infection? Answer is no. So, Are bats immune to viruses? Let's know in the video that What viruses can be transmitted by bats and why virus spread from bat.

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author Hey Buddy!! Ravikash Maurya is here. He is a science postgraduate. He put educational contents on YouTube and his personal blog, with a focus on uniqueness and illustration.

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